This weekend Jake and I went to a wedding.

During the wedding, the main message was given by the leader of Gateway, Jimmy Nimon. What he said moved me in a powerful way as I chewed on it the rest of the weekend. The worship during the ceremony was centered around the 'wedding to come' or the marriage supper of the Lamb at the end of all things. Jimmy then had the task of explaining that concept to those who may have never heard it before. He brought up how in Jewish customs, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he had to pay a dowry to her father. If the woman was a slave, then he would have to discuss the dowry with her master. During the engagement time the man would prepare the house he would live in with his soon to be bride. Ok, remember all that information as we relate it to what Christ has done. Next, he explained how when man first sinned, he gave over authority and dominion to Satan. He became a slave to sin, and the Devil was his master. When Jesus came to earth, as fully God and fully man, He lived a blameless life and was without sin. He died, a shameful sinners death, on a cross for the sins of all mankind (sins past, present, and future). He paid the ultimate price. He offered the perfect dowry. He went away to prepare a place for us but it's up to us to accept His proposal. So, here I am. Simple, nobody, Lindy Sara, singing a worship song the next day during church and it hits me. The Creator of Heaven and Earth, sent His only Son to pay the only price that would break off the heavy yoke and bondage of sin and death that enslaved
me. I saw Him there in my mind, hanging on that wretched cross, blood dripping, skin pealed off, nail pierced hands, a crown of thorns drilled into His brow. And He looks at me, and he says "Will you say yes to me? Will you answer my proposal? I gave up everything for the sake of love, will you respond? I'm going away to prepare a place for you, will you be there?" I flop down in my seat and start crying. So many emotions sweep over me all at once, but the thing that prevailed was the passionate love that began to flood me toward Him. "I do love you! I will say yes! You're all I want!" And then, I felt His voice speak to my heart "This is what I mean by your first love." Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love." How can anyone ever be the same after understanding a love like this? There's no grander aim, no higher cause, no greater joy than to love and be loved by this Man. Remember that proposal. Never forget it. Return to it over and over again. Embrace the beautiful 'engagement ring,' so to speak, of the cross! So, what does an engaged person do? She makes herself ready! Revelation 19:6-7 "And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and
His wife has made herself ready."" I must plan my life around that day that I may be pure, blameless, and arrayed in white (righteousness). Only this matters, this is my magnificent obsession, my Jesus, my God.