Monday, March 25, 2013

My Sweet Boy

I spend a lot of time in close contact with my boy. Either carrying him in the Moby or watching him sleep next to me or in my lap. We're getting into a routine and it's nice to know what I can expect. Typically, after he finishes nursing he's extremely happy. We're talking giddy. Jake and I think his smiles look like he's intoxicated on breast milk. It's adorable. We usually spend a good 10 to 15 minutes just hanging out and talking, me with words, him with adorable noises and coos. After that he will be chill for maybe 30 to 45 minutes or so. This is when I can easily put him in his bouncer or on the boppy and leave him alone for a bit to get things done. After that, he starts to get a little agitated. He can feel sleepiness coming on and he's not willing to give in. Eventually, that turns into full blown anger as he fights sleep. Finally, after some coaxing, he falls asleep and wakes up to repeat the cycle. I love this little guy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dad & Lad time

Jake's dad and brother came for a visit so they could meet Izzy. There was a whole lot of dude time going on. I was seriously outnumbered. 

They ate a maple bacon donut. I just had to post a picture.
 This picture makes me curious to see if Izzy will have some of those Paurus features

Jake's side job laying hardwood floors was slow this week so he and Israel got to spend a lot of time together. I love seeing my 'boys' hang out. Jake is forever making up little songs and raps to calm Izzy down when he gets fussy. He's always willing to take over when he's crying and even carry him around in our Moby wrap baby carrier. I'm so thankful that we're doing this as a team and that I'm not alone as we raise our son. I don't know what I would do without him! He's been cooking and cleaning and taking such good care of our family when I'm tired or busy nursing. Jake is such a great father and I'm so excited to see how his relationship with Israel will grow over the years.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Old photos, Fresh thoughts

These shots are from a couple weeks ago when some of Jake's family was here visiting. Our brother in-law snapped a few photos of my wee babe. He changes so fast! The sleeper he's wearing in these pictures is very tight on him now and is so short he can't stretch out his legs! I feel like the 4th photo doesn't even look like him, but it's real cute so I had to share.

This transition into motherhood has been an interesting one. Challenging at times, exciting, rewarding, sobering, humbling, terrifying, all enhanced by raging hormones and beginning with one life changing moment. I'm a mom now, and I always will be. Right now Israel is snoring (congested) peacefully next to me and I keep staring at him with a complex mixture of emotions. It's amazing how one little person can alter your life so thoroughly!

For every hard aspect of being a mom, there's a handful of priceless moments. He makes me smile without doing anything special. I feel so rich. My heart is full to overflowing and I am excited for the journey to come.

Friday, March 1, 2013

4 weeks

I have a 4 week old baby!
Oh my goodness, can this really be true!? Wasn't I just pregnant like yesterday?
Me and Israel are a real team. We're learning how to do life together as mom and son, and I like it. 
Sometimes all I want to do is sit at home with him, because doing anything else sounds too overwhelming.
Other times, all I want to do is get out of the house, because sitting in our living room in my sweat pants and greasy hair has gone on long enough. 
Either way, I love being with him. 

He's growing so fast and I'm trying desperately to take it all in. 
He seems long. Really long. 

He nurses
He poops
He sleeps
He grunts, oh how he loves to grunt
He squirms
He flails his arms
He kicks his legs
He proudly holds his head up every chance he can get
He gets real red in the face for a few seconds before he starts to cry or poop
He has baby acne
He's wearing cloth diapers now
He makes the cutest face when he coughs and I melt every time (Jake was really concerned about this one. "As long as you're not making him cough")

I love every moment I have with this precious one