Israel's least favorite time of the day... tummy time!
My hair, sadly, on most days is in the classic no-style-messy-bun. In fact, it's like that right now. :)
Some thoughts for today:
"This is my success; to love You and be loved by You"
I was made for worship. I was made to behold the King of Glory.
My heart comes alive when I am overflowing with love for the Father.
"God is most glorified when I am most satisfied in Him"
That is a weighty statement and it doesn't come naturally.
To be satisfied means you're not looking for anything else. To be satisfied means your longing is fulfilled.
I was drawn to the house of prayer because God revealed to me that I was not loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
I knew that we fall more in love with God as we spend time with Him, as we gaze upon His beauty and seek Him in His temple.
I've definitely lost sight of this on many occasions since God gave me that gentle rebuke. It's something that can get so easily complicated even when it is simple.
Jake always says, "It takes vision to love God will all your heart."
I am in desperate need of vision.
But one thing I am certain of; God is so pleased with my small attempts and my weak love.
A life well lived is one spent growing in love for my creator day after day, week after week, month after month.
In the small ways and in the big ways. In the sacrifices and in worship.
He is worthy!