Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why a blog?

I've been realizing lately that staying in touch with friends and family will be a bit of a challenge. I want to be able to give a more indepth picture of what my life looks like to my curious onlookers and friends. I hope to update this blog on a fairly regular basis while I venture on to the next phases of my life.

The title of my blog is "My meanderings..."
me·an·dered, me·an·der·ing, me·an·ders: To follow a winding and turning course

I truly believe that the course that God has for me will take me around many bends and turns. Looking forward to the surprises and escapades that await me, I will scrawl my thoughts, plans, and ruminations on this here blog.

1 comment:

Hope said...

hey friend. i might be first to have found your blog, i just saw it on facebook. this is good bc you can share your thoughts on mine too.... anyway, i hope your having a wonderful time in lancaster! : ) peace!