Friday, January 30, 2009

Gruss Gott!

(Title meaning "Greet God," although Austrians who say that usually aren't greeting God, they're just greeting you!)

Well hello one and all! I'm finishing up my second week in Austria and man oh man I am LOVING it here. Let me give you a re-cap of my week so far.

Monday we went into Vienna and signed up for our language courses and bought our books. I'm very excited to be taking the afternoon course instead of the morning. We start classes February 9th. It will be very nice to have a more structured schedule. After signing up for classes the girls went to IKEA to buy some things to make our living room area more enjoyable. We got some really great deals and had a lot of fun picking things out.
Tuesday we worked on visas. Please be praying for our team when it comes to visas. It is really going to take a miracle for us to get the kind of visa that we need. We've done everything in our power to be completely prepared for this, now we're just waiting on God to do the rest!
Wednesday we visited the city of Linz. This is a beautiful and historic city in Austria that was very enjoyable to explore. We visited another OM base in Linz and got to meet more missionaries. It's interesting that we've only met ONE actual Christian Austrian since being here. Everyone has been from other countries for the most part. Linz is an amazing city and I hope to visit there again.
Thursday and Friday we spent in different sorts of ministry opportunities. While some of the girls on my team stayed home and cooked, cleaned, and sewed curtains, I joined the guys in helping with some of the building of a church in Vienna. I got my hands dirty, worked up a sweat, and did some heavy lifting. I definitely felt good about working with my hands and doing it unto the Lord!

The rest of this weekend will be pretty free which I'm very excited about. I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow for the first time since arriving here! I'm looking forward to it.

Prayer points!
Please pray for us as we apply for visas. We found out just the other day that to receive a visa in Austria you need to have Austrian insurance. This was not in our budget and was a very unexpected extra $740 that we needed to quickly scrape together. Some of my teammates are not sure how they are going to make up the rest of that money for the rest of the time here. Please pray that God would provide for everyone in a glorifying way.

God bless you one and all!

Oh, and here's my photos. Enjoy! There's multiple pages, so make sure you check out each one.


twyla myrin said...

lindy, i love you. looks like things are going well. still very excited for you.

R said...

Gruss Gott!
Thanks for keeping everyone posted. This is really neat.
God will provide all that you NEED. Trust Him. If it's His will, it's His bill.
I hope and pray that the team can get the visas they need.