Tuesday, March 10, 2009


God is teaching me a lot. I know blogs are usually more or less talking about the things that someone does, but I feel as if the happenings in my heart are a bit more pressing and important at the moment. So, I'm going to fill you in.

Lately I've been feeling extremely tired and depleted. It's as if all life has been drained out of me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My mind was constantly buzzing with random thoughts and dreams and I could never seem to pin one down long enough to understand it. It was as if I was walking in a fog for days on end.
I couldn't seem to hear from God. My interactions with people were shallow and forced. My physical health was spiraling downwards. What is going on here?

Well, I do believe I'm finally able to put my finger on it.
Inside of everyone is an extremely strong desire to be known and to be loved. This desire, which we attempt to quench with friendships and relationships, is only completely and perfectly filled by our Heavenly Father. As this longing to be loved and valued became evident inside of me, I attempted to fill it with carnal things. Since these objects and false gods that I've erected in my heart can't fill that void, they have left me feeling lost, unloved, useless, and most of all, not myself. It's exhausting when you aren't acting like yourself for long periods of time. Eventually, you can't even remember what the real you looks like. Well, I've come to that point. It's ugly and self-centered. But, there is good news! God's love for me is completely and overwhelmingly deeper than any love I could encounter on earth. He is my Father and is absolutely delighted in me. As a daughter of the King, He asks me to be myself. To come to Him abandoned and unashamed. I have faith that He will finish the work that He started in me, and that as I hear his voice, I need only to follow Him.

God really spoke to me using the woman at the well as an example. This video speaks volumes.


1 comment:

Kelly said...

I read this yesterday---and watched the video. Two words. LOVE IT.