It was a Friday and I was spending the day alone exploring Vienna. Trying to discover new places and get lost, I would randomly jump on "Strassenbahns" (street trolleys) that I didn't recognize and go with wherever they took me. It was getting to be later at night and I was unsure of what to do next when an elderly man came up to me and asked for directions. In my broken German I tried to help him but at the same time was unsure of where he was asking about. I decided after that to go to a homeless banquet that was being put on at a church I knew about in Vienna. They decorated their sanctuary as if they would be hosting diplomats and politicians. It was such a lovely idea. As I walked in, I looked around and, to my slight dismay, didn't see any members of the church that I recognized. Unsure of what to do next I sat down in a chair in the back of the sanctuary. The next thing I know, I hear a voice, in German, saying "My friend! I didn't know you were coming here!" and looked over to see the elderly gentlemen who I had previously given directions to. This started the beginning of a lovely evening.
He invited me to be his date that night and sit with him at the dinner table. His name is Preni, and he's 67 years old. He speaks 9 different languages and thoroughly enjoyed displaying all of the different words he knew in these languages. The one language he did NOT know, was English. The church members that were running this dinner didn't recognize me and treated me like the rest of the homeless people. It was so much fun to hang out with Preni, speak in broken German, and be surrounded by these lovely people. I made a lot of friends that night who I'm unsure if I'll ever see or talk to again, but I'm always looking for them. It was an awesome experience and opened my eyes to possibly what I may be doing for ministry during my time here.
Please pray for me as I explore what options there are to work with the homeless of Vienna.
Auf wiedersehen!
Lindy! That's a really cool story! And I like your pictures :)
I hope this comment works.. I would like to say something to you!
"Ich liebe Sie"
I honestly just translated it for free online, I'm not learning German or anything. It might not, but it's supposed to say "I love you". And just in case it doesn't, here it is in English:
I also would like to say you and your team are doing a great job of posting pictures, blogs and such and it's nice cause I can see what you are all up to!! Good Job! "Gute Aufgabe" (supposed to say good job)
anyway.. I'll stop trying to speak German. I miss you!!!!
God bless you Lindy!!
I'm praying for you!
beames this is sooo cool!!!
do you know if that guy was homeless? i mean, i guess he was if he came to the party. man, you and old men just hit it off so great! bah haha!
miss you
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