So, a quick re-cap of life here in Stock-town as of lately. I've been working a lot more in the second hand shop as well as hanging out at the homeless dinners. I really love it a lot. I dearly love all of my homeless buds and now look forward to seeing them each time. I used to dread it. I hated the feeling of embarrassment with my lack of German, or the awkward situations with the few men who like women a little too much. I would let those moments get to me, and it would ruin all the good times I had. But now I'm adjusting my mindset and seeing it as a learning experience for my German, and an opportunity to show love to people even through their sin or inappropriateness. I really want to post pictures sometime, but I've never felt like the timing was right to snap a few photos at the dinners. I'm not sure how they would feel about me taking their picture. We will see.
Some friends and I went to a Tinariwen concert last week and it was awesome! It was really refreshing to be in a concert setting again since that was how I spent a good portion of my high school career. We danced, sang, and admired as this semi-famous African band played the night away. If you're interested you should check out some more information about them. They have a crazy story!

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