Saturday, January 16, 2010


As I mentioned earlier, I recently re-learned how to knit. As soon as I discovered that this was something I actually enjoyed doing, my brain began to create a very long list of people to make things for before I fly across the big blue Atlantic.
My first project was to make a scarf for my friend Ferdinand who I met at the homeless dinners. He recently acquired a fairly large sum of money and no longer has to make his bed under a bridge. Not only that, but he has bought his plane ticket to move to Russia this week! So, I ended up burning the midnight oil last night to finish his scarf in time for sleep and then a breakfast final farewell this morning.
Here are some pictures of me trying to see if the scarf was the right length, and then the finished product hanging out on my bed next to my sheep skin.
The exciting/satisfying part happened this morning when I gave it to Ferdinand and he loved it! It was such a good feeling to be able to create something and then see someone appreciate your creation. Here he is.
Here's to more long days of knitting creations!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Wow Lindy, it turned out super good! I'm impressed!