This weekend I finally completed the "Circle Series" by Ted Dekker with his latest book "Green." Reading these books has challenged me and opened my eyes to different aspects of God, Satan, and sinful humanity that I've never been able to fully grasp before. Dekker does an amazing job of explaining the spiritual reality here on earth with physical representations. In the book Green he demonstrates evil in a way that makes you shudder. You can almost feel, touch, and taste the wickedness that we so quickly and easily "cuddle up" to without seeing it for what it is. There were times that I wanted to stop reading the book because I was so frustrated that the author spent so much time and effort to depict something so terrible. This book as part of the "Circle Series" was meant to be the volume that brought things full circle. The picture was of the end times in this fantasy world as everyone was groaning and waiting for the return of their savior. In the end, I was thankful for how vivid the portrayal of evil was, because it made the redemptive, victorious, and just ending all the more incredible.
I'm still going through the long and never ending process of being aware, awake, and alert to what God has revealed to us about what is to come. One thing I know for certain, drowning in the constant, overwhelming, all consuming, presence of God for all eternity is reason enough for an urgency to keep my eyes fixed and my lamp burning.
I highly suggest reading this book series. There are some rough/rocky parts that are a bit confusing, but push through and it will be totally rewarding.
LIIINDYY... I saw your link to this post and I got SO excited this book was on it! I haven't read it yet, but now I am ready to go pick up a copy and start it asap!!! Yay! Such a good review.. you could do this professionally :)
I agree with emily. You should read constantly just so you can review them for the rest of us : )
Whenever I think of that series I think of Jimmy reading that one scene during the fasting LTE when he talked about communion.
I like hearing what you are learning...you encourage me a lot, even with 'very serious sounding, mulan inspired, phrases' : )
Hey Lindy,
Thanks for my birthday greeting, and yes I feel ancient. But if I am ancient what does that make you dad...? I passed something along to your dad that I thought sounded like something you could do with missions. I, similar to you, am praying that God will reveal the next step that He has in store for you. I haven't received some special word from the Lord about this position. I simply read it and thought of you, so pray about it. We definitely need to touch base again soon, because if we do not you might be in PA.
Jess says hello and we are looking forward to seeing you again.
Grace and Peace,
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