I met a man at the homeless breakfast yesterday named Imre. As soon as he walked in I could tell from the sparkle in his eye that he was different. He began reading a bible that was obviously not in German but I was unable to see from across the table which language. I grabbed my opportunity to begin talking to him and he explained that he grew up in Slovakia in a town that speaks Hungarian (the bible was in Hungarian) but he himself is a Roma gypsy. What a combination! He began to tell me his story of how he lived in a town where a Canadian missionary had started a Roma church but he decided to go his own way and became a homeless drunk in Austria (I'm a little blurry on the details in between. It's a bit complicated sometimes when two people are speaking in a language that isn't their native tongue). One week ago he somehow returned to Jesus again. I, once again, am unsure of what transpired but I do know that this man is extremely excited about God and it was so refreshing! He began to encourage me about how he could tell that I was a believer just by looking in my eyes and that God has gifted me to love the people in the world that no one loves. I asked him where he sleeps at night and this is what he said (in German of course);
"I have no place to sleep. Jesus didn't have a bed and neither do I. I sleep where he tells me to sleep. Jesus was one of the first homeless. If God decides to give me money or a house or food then I will take it, but I will not search and ask for the things of this world. He'll give me what I need."
Wow. That challenged me so much. He was such a beautiful man. I invited him to come to my church but sadly he never showed up. I hope to see this guy again. He represented Jesus to me in a new, unique, and upside down way. I love moments like that.
Wow. So humbling. So challenging. I love this story.
God is so BEAUTIFUL!
Lindy - this is beautiful. I know it is wrong to envy, and I don't but I am amazed at what you get to do in these 16 months and every time you blog about it, or simply post a picture, I am so excited and encouraged about what God is doing in your life and through your life! What an amazing story! I hope you meet him again, and that your last couple months there will bring so many opportunities to you.
LOVE love looove,
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