It's time. I need to update. Life has been pretty uneventful in some ways lately. I've spent a lot of time on homework and it seems like that's how the rest of my time here will be. I'm still waiting on God about future plans, so that has taken up a lot of time, attention, and energy.
In more exciting news, I got a concussion today (got a concussion? Is that the right wording? Received a concussion? Had a concussion? Was given a concussion?) ! Don't worry, I wasn't in a fight or anything eventful like that. I was actually dusting. So now I'm just going through the foggy buzzy feeling I have in my mind that has actually enabled me to have a blissfully enjoyable evening! I know this may sound crazy, but I feel like my Spirit has been a lot sharper today while my mind and reflexes are a little lagging. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind getting knocked on the noggin more often! Maybe this is a small example of God's strength being made perfect in our weakness...
And the grand finale of the post.... pictures of my newest nephew! He's eight months old now and recently got some professional photos taken. Seriously, I'm trying not to be biased, but he's one of the cutest kids I've ever seen, thunder thighs and all!
P.S. Hi Caleb.
i seriously think that kids with chubby thighs are the best!
i'm praying for your complete healing, lindy....but that the whole sharper spirit thing remains! ;)
Ah-HA! I see it! It was hiding under the thing-a-ma-bob.
Hi, Lindy.
yay! Colton made the blog again! Can't wait to see you soon!
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