Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Danke Thanks Gracias

You can never be too careful when transporting a Turkey. Precious goods...
So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm sure we all have loads of things we're thankful for. But, I just thought I'd name a few of them that will also update you on life.
#1. Creativity. I love being inspired by the way others express themselves creatively. I have so many friends that amaze me with how they can make some of the most simple or traditional things, unique and full of personality. Here are pictures of the cake toppers and guest favors from my friend Candice's wedding that happened this weekend.
#2. Houses of prayer. I'm so incredibly grateful to have a house of prayer that is open 24/7 so near by! It's wonderful to have a place to get away, and also an opportunity to unify my heart and prayers with other believers. I found out last week that the internship will start January 8th and is a month longer than before, ending May 28th. I'm really looking forward to this season of my life coming up and can't wait to see what God has in store.

#3. In exactly one week I will be visiting the wonderful land of Minnesota!!! My dear friend Emily is getting married and I'm so happy for her. I'm looking forward to seeing how beautiful everything turns out, and even helping a little with food prep. I'm so excited to be back in a city I miss, with friends I love, and seeing a very special boy!
(summer 2008?)
#4. My job. I can't believe I'm one of the few lucky people who actually likes what I do for a job, which is saying a lot since I have 3 of them. Job #1 is babysitting my nephew two days a week. How could I not love that?! He is absolutely adorable and I enjoy every moment, even when he's not so precious. Job #2 is Home Helpers. I currently have 6 clients that I visit and I can't believe how much I like it. I've started to build really close relationships and look forward to seeing these people. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them when it's all said and done. Job #3 is the nursing home. Once again, I love getting to help people who can't do it for themselves so this is the right place for me. I've gotten the hang of my job so I have a lot more time and energy to become friends with the residents. They are lovely people and I look forward to knowing them better. 
(I can't believe he's 1 year old!)
So, that's a brief update with some things I'm thankful for. God has been oh so good to me, so I have to give Him some credit and praise! I never would have thought this would be where I'm at now. He is so faithful.


Kenzie said...

oh my goodness I love the Gnome cake!!! And I adore that you put the turkey in a seat belt. :)

Jacob said...

Köszönöm! Good blog! A pleasure to read, almost as good as the one where you said your favorite things were your slippers and long-johns. See u soon!

The Modern Art Smock said...

LINDY I just saw this! thank you.. sometimes I feel I am in a world all by myself and then I realize their are friends and people like you to help me realize its a blessing to be creative.
love you lady!