Tomorrow Jake and I will have been dating for 7 months. We've only spent about 3 and a half weeks together as a couple, but I couldn't seem to get away from him the 3 years or so prior to the start of our relationship. Dating him has taught me so much and it's amazing how much growth comes when another person becomes a huge part of your life. Even now, while we're only writing letters, God speaks to me time and time again through little tid bits that Jake writes. Man oh man, God is so faithful! After a crazy 3 and a half years of liking someone without any change in the status of our friendship (if you've never heard the story of what was going on prior to that fateful day when he asked me out, you should ask me! i love to tell it), starting a long distance relationship immediately after, and now only communicating through written mail, it is only by God's grace that I'm overjoyed and confident with the way things are! Our heavenly Father is such a good planner.
The internship is going really well. Almost daily I can feel change going on in my heart and my mindsets. My reactions are different. My thought processes are being refined. The way I carry myself is morphing. This isn't necessarily linked to anything spiritual, (but I think it might be) but the other day someone called me a girly girl! Anyone who has known me for more than a couple years knows that this term would never have been used to describe me before. It's exciting to me! I'm being transformed and I know that the change is pleasing to God. I'm no where near finished, but I'm going to take the advice of Paul and forget what is behind and press on toward what is ahead, to win the prize of which God has called me heavenward through Jesus! Sometimes the change is really painful at first. Being confronted with wrong mindsets or theologies that you've held on to for years isn't easy. But God's gentleness toward me and delight in my broken state is so motivating! He sees my hunger and will answer even with my weakness and misunderstandings of how He operates. The gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and counsel is so amazing to me through this process. God didn't leave us as orphans which is great news to me! I'm so excited to go on this journey of fellowship and love with God for the rest of my days.
(( I just got a letter in the mail today from Jake and on the back of the envelope it said these words; "Dear Mr. Postman, if this letter gets lost just send it to Heaven because it's for my angel" Haha!!! He's so great!))
ohh my goodness! so cute that jake wrote the on your envelope! :) :) :)
I was just thinking the same as Laurel...
I'm so excited for you guys in this season Lindy!
Lindy : ) I loved this post. So many wonderful things in it! Chat soon yes?
This just made warm fuzzies erupt in my heart. I loved this whole post. Miss you dearly, my friend.
:) I love. Love. LOVE! this post!!!:)
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