“None of us have an option when it comes to whether or not our lives will be wasted. The only option we have is how we will waste them. All of us will waste our lives either in sin and compromise, passivity, and the cares of this life, or we will waste them on Jesus. We can waste our lives on serving the devil and end up in a flaming trash heap called hell. Or we can waste our lives and our resources on Jesus as Mary did, laying up treasure in heaven where moths and rust won’t corrupt it and thieves cannot break through and steal it. O God, give us grace to live as Mary did.” - Mike Bickle (Passion for Jesus)
There's no neutral zone, no stagnant water, no stand still when it comes to what's happening in our Spirit. We're sowing one way or the other, we're being lead by the Holy Spirit or the flesh. That is such a sobering thought! This has influenced the way I live my life as I try to live before an audience of one, for the applause of my Father in Heaven, and with eternity in view. At the end of the day it only matters what one Man thinks about how my day was spent, how I responded to His love, and what my time and efforts went toward. I feel His jealousy that I don't lift my heart toward anything else. Now I'm faced with a choice, respond in love and faith, repenting from old ways and continuing in an abandoned pursuit, or I can ignore it, say that it's too hard, too much, too outlandish to love God in those extreme ways and go on with life as normal. It's painful, uncomfortable, and new, but I feel so overwhelmed by God's affection toward me every time I say yes. In fact, I've been so aware of His strong love for me even before I say yes, in the midst of the wrestling His affirming love has given me what I need to respond in obedience. I want to build my life with things that last, with gold and silver and precious stones. I can't do this without faith and wholehearted love. This is the only way to live! Oh Lord, I ask that my life would be one unbroken journey of progression in holy passion and love. I can't do it without you!
come live in minneapolis right now. and we can talk about the lord all day.
linders. can i have your email address? and i love this post...and i agree with laurel : ) oh man. can't wait to hear all about how you've been? phone call soon?
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