In the midst of learning about having faith for God to do the supernatural or miraculous, I'm seriously being tested to trust Him in some seemingly "smaller" things. In case I haven't been clear on this blogger thing or in case you just recently started to read, I'm moving to Minnesota the second week in June. I have this wonderful boyfriend who lives out there that I'd really like to be around more often, so he's flying in May 26th and we're driving me and all my stuff to Minnesota. I'm really excited about all of this and can't wait to see what opportunities come about in this next season. There are 3 'big' things that I've been praying a lot about for this transitional time;
- A car
- A job
- An apartment/place to live
Some people think I'm crazy for not having all of these things lined up ahead of time, but I keep feeling like I'm supposed to trust God to provide. Even if I was scurrying around trying to ensure that all of these things fall into place, it's ultimately God who makes it all possible. So, Sunday night God came through for one of the items in an awesome way! Initially I was planning on living in Minneapolis. That's where Jake would be living, and it's such a unique city that I'd really love to experience. My 'last resort' would be to live back on my college campus in Bloomington which is a suburb of Minneapolis, but I was hoping that wouldn't be the case. About two weeks ago I was thinking about how blessed I am to live so near to a House of Prayer. I felt incredibly thankful that I could jump in my car and be in an atmosphere of worship and prayer whenever I wanted. It made me sad to think that I would be leaving that when I moved to Minneapolis. Then, I remembered that my college campus has a house of prayer that is open almost 24/7. For the first time the thought of moving back to Bloomington sounded really good. Over the next few days following that moment my desire to be connected to a House of Prayer grew and grew and I was almost decided that I would move back to campus. Then, an amazing gift fell into my lap. Some friends of mine who live in Minnesota found out about a 3 bedroom fully furnished house in Bloomington that was open to be 'rented' out. Within a week of finding out about this opportunity, my dear friends Ryan and Noelle returned to America from their 16 month internship in Azerbaijan, called up the owners of the house, and settled an agreement for the 3 of us to live together! I couldn't be more excited about this! The rent will be extremely cheap, the house is filled with almost everything we need, it's only a few minutes from my campus, and I'll be living with two of my closest friends in the whole world who I miss terribly. It's going to be awesome!
I'm still waiting on God for the car and the job but feel even more full of faith to believe that He is
for me and is a good Father. He's on our side! Our hearts can be at rest when we trust Him and that's the best place to be. I'd still love some prayer for these things though if you have a moment. God's timing is always right, I just want to be patient with His timing :)
Oh and by the way, I finally finished a scarf for myself. Too bad that the temperatures have been in the high 70s and low 80s the past couple days. I guess it will be all the more exciting to wear next fall.
How exciting that you are moving to be closer to Jake! Blessings to you and I will be praying for the Lord's perfect will to come to pass. Love ya, girl.
Lindy : ) You look so beautiful in that photo. Your hair is like a flock of goats : )I'm so excited for you to be here so we can talk about jesus...i miss you!
lindy! seriously go for it! that is so exciting about the house :) :)
i moved to andrews town with no place to live, a bike, and no job and within the first week the Lord provided everything.
i am so excited to live close to you!!
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