Thursday, January 12, 2012

We're here!

Well, I have plenty to update on, but no exciting pictures to make it more interesting. We had a delightful first Christmas, and I did make sure to take some photos of that, but they'll have to wait for later.

We arrived in Pennsylvania on Friday night at midnight. It was a long and interesting drive. We both needed to drive our cars to fit as much of our stuff as possible, so that made for a very quiet ride as well. Jake's car had some problems and at one point we thought for sure it was done for. But we made it and are happy to be done driving!

This week our main focus has been job hunting. I really don't like job hunting. It makes me have this weird feeling in my stomach if I think about it too much. Jake lucked out and found a job right away as, you guessed it, a vacuum salesman. Anyone need a Kirby? Now while he's off learning how to wow customers with the superior suction of a Kirby vacuum, I head to the local library to job hunt. I keep thinking of the Jon Thurlow song that goes a little something like this:
Help me to trust You
Help my unbelief
I want to be dependent on You
There's not a care in the world while I am trusting You completely!

I have to believe that God knows what He's doing. I can't get discouraged after being told at one place that I shouldn't even bother applying because she doesn't like the way my ears look (no joke). I need to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and believe His promise that all other things will be added on top of that. 

In other news, we were supposed to be able to move into our apartment this weekend, but now it's looking like it won't be until February 3rd! This is also a bit adverse but we're learning to be content and thankful in every situation. If nothing else, we are so blessed that my parents aren't charging us so we'll be able to save a months rent! 

The next internship at the house of prayer started on Saturday and Jake and I already went to our first home group with them. We're both so excited to be involved in anyway we can and watch the lives of these people get touched by the power of God's presence while they live an intentionally fasted lifestyle and encounter God in the secret place. Every time I walk into Gateway I'm grateful to be reminded of the reason we moved out here. I'm so excited to see what God wants to do with this season of life. 


Unknown said...

Well I think your ear lobes are pretty lovely and so does Cranford.

colleen said...

Lindy, God has an awesome place of employment for you! Also He is planning to provide for all of your needs and wants beyond your comprehension. I am excited to hear how He does it. We're praying out here in MN.