Thursday, August 9, 2012

Running with Color

I never posted about the Color Run!! We had a blast and it was just as magical and colorful as I imagined. This 5k race is unique because at each kilometer, runners are covered with colorful powder. Then, at the finish line, there is a grand party with loud music, dancing, and colorful explosions overhead. Sound awesome? It was!

Right as we were waiting to be led up to the starting line something a little unexpected happened. I fainted! Out cold. Knocked out. My studly and heroic husband caught me in his arms (thank goodness), and within moments I had caused quite a scene. All the medics and nurses advised me not to run the race, but I did not wait almost 5 months for this moment to just sit out on the sidelines! No way! I felt pretty good, and Jake very willingly agreed to take our pace down a few notches and I ran!

 Don't forget to close your mouth!

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