Is it too late for one more October celebration post? Nah, I don't think so.
Here's just a few more pictures to re-cap some of the fall festivities.
Jake and I had to stop and take pictures of these vibrant trees. That firey orangy red color is amazing!
These are pictures from a hike we took at the Middle Creek wildlife preserve. Growing up I made many memories here with my Dad, so it was neat to bring Jake there and share in the beauty!
Every year my mom and my sisters get together and make homemade applesauce. Now that I'm finally living in the same state as them, I got to go in on it! Colton worked really hard to turn the crank.
Jake and I took a weekend trip to my family's cabin with my parents. Jake had a lot of fun learning how to use the blow gun and we hiked around the beautiful woods in our orange gear. We relaxed, warmed ourselves by the wood stove, and ate tasty food. The perfect cabin trip!

And, we finally had a craft time at our apartment again. It was much needed. Everyone did something different; painting, drawing, crocheting, baking and flower arranging! It was so much fun. And, the great thing about having Jadah around on craft day is that you get to eat whatever she makes! That's definitely a highlight for me. Earlier that day, Jake and I did a delivery to a wedding for my mentor's flower business. When we left we had a bunch of extra flowers and my lovely mentor told me to have fun with them and do whatever I wanted. Arranging flowers is so relaxing and enjoyable to me. I made 5 arrangements and gave 4 of them away. Flowers have a special way of brightening up life, and I love sharing that with others.
Wow, October was such a lovely month. It flew by like always, but I feel like we made the most of it. November is pretty amazing as well, and many of our pumpkins are still holding up nicely and keeping our apartment fall-like. With the big change of becoming a mommy right around the corner, I feel a heightened awareness of soaking in every moment of this season. I think I'll look back on this pregnancy with fondness and I'm really thankful for that.
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