Do not fret!
We're still here!

Lately I've been in desperate need of vision in my life.
I've become painfully aware that the saying is true that without vision we cast off restraint.
It's been a trying few months for me (spiritually, emotionally, physically) and I'm needing to re-focus and be aggressive about not wasting my time (time=life) on anything that doesn't line up with my calling, purpose, and destiny.
Sounds intense right?
Can doing laundry and washing the dishes really be a part of my destiny and calling right now?
Yep, they sure can (even if I may not want them to) because I am certain of my calling to be a wife and a mom who serves her family well.
{{Sometime I'll write more about what God is showing me in regard to my time being well spent}}
So, blogging. Where does that fit in?
This is why it's been silent over here.
Part of me felt that it was time to give it up.
And another part of me felt that I needed to give even more attention to this thing.
So, I've prayed about it and realized that too many people have given me encouraging (and even prophetic) words about what I write in this space for me to give it up.
With some fresh vision and some scheduled in writing times, I hope to be more purposeful with how I use this piece of social media.
I don't want to squander time.
I don't want to waste my giftings.
I want to do a good job of keeping friends and family up to date on life.
I want to be a messenger of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Would you want to follow along?

1 comment:
I love your blog. It is one my ways to get to know you, my new daughter. I hear your thoughts and insights, your love of God, Jake, and Israel. Through you I get glimpses of my boys too. I get to know your heart.
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