(Photos by Tawanda from Jadah's wedding)
Tomorrow Jake and I will celebrate 2 wonderful years of marriage.
It's gone fast and slow all at the same time.
I know I love him more than I did at the start.
A more real kind of love.
The love that weathers the storm.
Less about how he makes me feel and a lot more about who he is.
Today Israel is 8 months old.
What a lovable guy.
Here's what he's up to these days:
he isn't crawling but he'll roll all across the room
he likes to squint his eyes really hard when he's in a silly mood
he discovered how to shake his head and does it frequently
he's extra long and below average in weight
he has 4 sharp teeth and likes to chomp down on things as hard as possible and then rip them out real fast
he grunts when you feed him too slow
he gets more and more cute every day
I have two wonderful men in my life
I am a blessed lady