"On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand."
I've sung these words plenty of times without revelation of what I was actually saying.
Jesus is my only firm foundation.
He is the only sure thing.
Immovable. Unshakeable.
Everything else is shifting, unsteady, and ever changing.
His word and His truth are my only stable and sure footing.
Man's tradition and the hollow philosophies of this world (Col. 2) cannot hold my building, (my life) up.
When life's storms come; the winds of change and loss, and the rains of trials and loneliness, I need that firm foundation in order to stand.
The gospel of Christ crucified will stand firm in testing.
His salvation and finished victory will not be shaken.
I cannot put my faith and trust in another.
I must have my hope anchored in eternity.
Isaiah 26:4- "Trust in The LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the rock eternal."

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