Even though we're well into February, I'm going to update you all on our Christmas.
Yep, I'm a little bit behind.
I even had an Advent Series post almost completely finished but I never posted it.
traveling + holidays + sickness + sleeplessness = no blogging.
On to Christmas!
This was our first Christmas as a family of 3 and it was so much fun to reminisce about what life looked like just one year before.
I was very pregnant.
We had a homeless woman living with us.
And we (well mostly me) were desperate to get moved into our new house.
It was an interesting, challenging, and expectant Christmas.
This one was also filled with a few trials, but extremely fun and fulfilling nonetheless.
We knew we were leaving on the 20th on an eighteen hour journey to Minnesota, so we made sure to decorate earlier this year in order to soak it all in.
Also, this Christmas season was hugely impacted by the focus God was giving us on advent.
We really enjoyed going through different passages in the Bible highlighting Jesus' first and second coming.
It was very special for Jake and I to do that together.
We liked it so much that we also started up a bible reading plan for the new year.
Izzy was a road trip pro and made the car ride a breeze on the way out.
We stopped in Indiana as the halfway point both ways with our dear friends the Beilers.
Those were precious moments spent with that family.
Our time in Minnesota started out just as we hoped; filled with family, friends, good food, our wonderful church, and cherished memories made.
We are so grateful for that first week.
But then, sickness hit. And it hit hard.
All 3 of us got knocked out by some sort of flu or virus or something.
I don't know what it was, but it was awful.
We spent our last week taking care of each other, lounging on the couch, puking, coughing, wiping noses, shivering, aching, and just plain old miserable.
We even stayed an extra day because I wasn't well enough to travel.
It was sort of the best and the worst time to get sick.
The best because Jake's family was so helpful with Izzy and took great care of us.
The worst because we only get to be in Minnesota once in a while and we wanted to make the most of it.
Either way, it was still special. Jake's whole family got to be together all under one roof and for that I am very grateful.
Now, enough of my rambly-journaling and on to the pictures!
We got to host our Gateway Staff Christmas party in our home. One thing I've learned about myself over the last year is how much I LOVE to host.
Izzy got a bunch of his Dad's old animals for Christmas.
We think he likes them, based on how often he growls at them.
A bunch of blonde boys tearing up a phone book. Who knew that could be so fun?
At first, he was terrified of her. By the end of the visit, he loved her.
How many Paurus' can you fit on a bed?
Snuggly walks
Found the perfect Christmas PJs at Goodwill.... in January. Oh well.
Sweet dreams!
1 comment:
Original quote: " How many Paurus' can you fit on a bed?"
Correction for worthy emphasis: " How many Paurus' can you fit on a waterbed?"
Love you! We miss you 'round these parts.
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