Monday, July 4, 2011


On May 27th I finished my internship and celebrated with a fun graduation ceremony. My internship was awesome. I could go on and on about the things that I learned and what it taught me. I left feeling more equipped to run the race marked out for me with perseverance. I left with a hunger for prayer and a daily dosage of the presence of God. I left even more disillusioned and dissatisfied with the spirit of the age and the vain ambitions that mattered so much before. During my 5 month internship I gained an incredible community of like minded friends from all different walks of life. It was exactly where I needed to be and it was the most fruitful and sweet season with God that I have yet to experience. I am forever changed.
 my worship set that I helped with
such a diverse group of people came to Gateway
The whole gang

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