Saturday, July 30, 2011

World wide web

The day has come! At 9:30 this morning my household finally received the internet! I'm so aware of how dependent I've become on this useful tool that connects you so quickly and effortlessly to the world's resources. I'm thankful to have it to stay connected to friends and family, and to do wedding planning, but I'm also thankful that I learned to go without it. Thanks for your patience with me in my blog break. I plan on keeping up with it better from now on.
So, for a brief and somewhat sporadic post, I'll give you an update on what life looks like here.
A few weeks ago a group of us went to Duluth and I saw Lake Superior for the first time. It really does look like the ocean.
My housemates rescued 4 baby raccoons off of some railroad tracks and took them to an animal rehabilitation center. They were so cute!
Jake did lots of painting at an art festival in Minneapolis. 
I have a pet rat named Cranford and he's so sweet and cute.

1 comment:

Kylie Marie said...

You went to Duluth?? With who? And why didn't I see you when you were in my neck of the woods?!