Monday, February 13, 2012


My husband is so sweet. He is caring, loving, and incredibly thoughtful. I'm surrounded by little reminders of his sweetness and I like to document as many of them as I can.

Sometimes when I roll out of bed for breakfast after he's already gone to work I find little messages written on my bananas. 

Also, he likes to buy me a flower or two for our kitchen table. Sadly, I didn't take pictures of some of the ones he gave me while we were in Minnesota, but here's what we have right now.
I like him a lot. I learn more about the heart of God through him, and I'm encouraged to be more like Jesus because of the lifestyle that I get to observe in Jake every day. I married a good one!
More posts to come about love, valentines, and so such. 


Lia said...

How sweet! what a wonderful idea :) i hope you guys had a great v-day! love, the Zaks <3

colleen said...

I am glad jake is showing you his heart. You are his love. Happy days ahead!