Monday, October 29, 2012

28 weeks - Home Stretch

I haven't given an update on being pregnant in a LONG time. I'm currently 28 weeks and one day and feeling pretty awesome. Other than some minor aches and pains, I really can't complain about how I've been feeling. This little guy moves sooo much and is extra active whenever we're in the House of Prayer. I think he likes the music. We're hoping he grows up to be a lovesick worshipper of Jesus since he is spending so much womb time immersed in worship, and will get plenty of exposure to it once he's born as well.
This guy right here has seriously amazed me during this season. He is such a good husband, partner, friend, and coach! We're taking the Bradley Method for our birthing classes, which focuses a lot on the husband playing a major role in the pregnancy and birth, and he's taken it so seriously. He's been such an encouragement as I try to eat right, stay active, and get enough rest. He's always watching out for me and serving me. I really am amazed at the humility and Jesus-like characteristics I see coming out of my husband daily. Wow, I can't brag on him enough.

We've really enjoyed our Bradly Method classes. It's a pretty intense class, with 12 weeks of 2 hour sessions, weekly homework, and a protein rich diet to follow. Our instructor is the sister of a friend of ours and she's amazing. She has 3 kids and gave birth to 2 of them at the same birth center that I'm going to, she runs marathons in between each kid (yep, that's 26 miles folks) and she's a pilot by profession. How cool?! Jake and I are really excited about the teamwork and unity that come from giving birth using this method.

Some friends of mine also threw me a pretty amazing baby shower recently.
 Some of the tastiest food!! Seriously, if you haven't experimented with pumpkin hummus, you should definitely try it out. It was amazing!
 The mastermind :)
 "New Mum's Chair" So cute!
 Jake came to help open presents. After that we did a craft time where everyone designed some cute onesies for our little guy. I had to capture a picture of Jake sewing with the ladies.
 Nothing more inspiring than a craft table :)
 All the unique onesies.
 One of our favorites made by our neighbor who is also from Minnesota!
The party planning team. These ladies blessed me sooo much! They decorated with gourds and bow ties, embroidery hoops and mums, billy balls (my favorite flower) and bittersweet berries. It was an October-lover's dream party. They had a prayer time for me, wrote encouraging words in a book, and overall just blessed my socks off. I am in awe of how God has provided such an amazing group of friends for Jake and I.


Natasha said...

so wonderful : ) I'm glad you were so blessed!

Heidi said...

So great! I know this is silly, but since I'm only like a weeky behind you, it's fun to see that it looks like your belly button popped about the same time! Glad to hear all is well!

Kenzie said...

Hello Mr. Papoose! You are so cute pregnant Lindy. Your shower looked amazing (I'm wanting to eat all the food right now!). So excited for you guys :)

Charissa Steyn said...

Enjoy the last trimester- it will FLY by!! Also, loving the decorate a onsie idea- so cute!!