Friday, November 16, 2012

Surprise Visit

Did you ever pray for something while completely believing it wouldn't really happen? Yeah, I'm guilty, but wow is it a lovely surprise! After my dear dear friend Noelle gave birth to her beautiful baby girl Hazel, I prayed that God would make a way for me to go visit. A week or so later, I find out that a generous and super kind person wanted to fly me down to see them in South Carolina. I was shocked, which showed my lack of faith, and extremely grateful. It was such a sweet little break to be around my friend during this precious new season of life. 
 Having a little one fall asleep on my shoulder definitely woke up all the little "mommy desires" inside that hadn't been already. I can't believe how quickly I'm going to have a sweet bundle to cuddle.
 I almost forgot that visiting the Peters meant seeing my darling little rat friend, Cranford, again. I loved how he would peak out from under my big belly when I held him in my lap.
 Wool socks, fire blazing, Cranford nibbling sunflower seeds in the background, Hazel snoozing in her bouncer, and Noelle and I watching a TV series about British midwives in the 1950s while sipping tea. It was a lovely time.
 We explored the funky city of Asheville while Hazel snoozed in her moby wrap.
 We took some walks and enjoyed the lingering fall foliage.
It was a delightful visit and I feel oh so blessed and thankful. Now I feel even more ready to welcome my son into the world. I can't wait!


Natasha said...

perfect : ) that picture of you and Hazel is soooo sweet!

emily rae said...

Lindy! You're hair is so long and pretty! That scene with the fire place and the tea and the British midwives just sounds so perfect! like Natasha said :) haha

aaand cranford!!!! I miss that little guy :)

And I miss you Lindy!

Unknown said...

what a great visit!! i wish they would make more call the midwife episodes. hazel is already so much bigger than what she is in the pictures! crazy. getting VERY excited for your little man to make his debut :)

Unknown said...

how wonderful... so glad that you got to go!!!