Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gaze shifting

Life is strange. It is unusual. I have never experienced anything like this before.

Balance is something that I'm seeking to have right now. I want to be balanced in the amount of time I spend doing different things. I want to have balance in my money spending and saving. I want to have balance in the amount of effort I put forth in fundraising. Maybe balance isn't the right word for what I'm looking for but it's usually how I describe it to people.

I want to be always yielded to God. I want my inner gaze to always be on the Lord. I want to be peacefully abiding and resting in my Savior. I'm having such a hard time doing that. And I feel old tendancies creeping up. It's sort of like that feeling you get when you know there's a thousand legger under your bed. You're always aware that he's under there and could come out at any moment. In fact, you've seen glimpses of him here and there and you weren't quick enough to squash him. Or you were too scared to squash him....
I must find Him.


Set_Apart said...

I miss ranting with you.
or at least, listening to you rant and nodding along. ;)

Jacob said...

I just wrote the same thing on Laura's blog, but I think you need to let all your peoplez know what's been up!! Maybe you Laura and I are the only ones who read eachother's blogs! Haha
But fa real, what's been happening in the Lindy world?