Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Birthday Bike Bash

Here's another sweet video from our talented friend who records just about everything :)
Jake and some dudes took a 38 mile round trip bike journey for Jake's b-day. 
Some of us girls met up with them for some delicious falafel half way. 
Fun was had by all.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Summer Addition

Jake's sister Mel is staying with us for the summer and man oh man has it been great to have her here!
I'm so thankful she is getting to know Israel and bond with her nephew. 
He likes her a lot.
We all like her a lot. 
She got a job at a cute cafe (Tomato Pie Cafe) before she even arrived in PA. 
God is taking good care of her. 
She's been doing the Night Watch with us and has brought a fresh fire and passion to our prayer times. 
Her commitment to God is spurring me on to seek and find Him more!
I'm so thankful that I married into such an awesome family and I can't wait for our Paurus beach trip in June! It's going to be a blast.

Jake and I did our best to fix up our basement for her arrival. 
We live in an old farm house so the basement was a little less than inviting before we started this project.
We painted the walls, laid carpet, covered the nasty exposed ceiling with colorful and mismatched sheets, created some custom-made artwork, sprayed raid in every crack and crevice that bugs could enter, and my favorite part; we decorated! 
Hooray for a new season and a fun summer full of memories to be made!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

1st Mother's day!

I love being this guy's mama. 
Happy Mother's day to all!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


 Israel's least favorite time of the day... tummy time!

My hair, sadly, on most days is in the classic no-style-messy-bun. In fact, it's like that right now. :)

Some thoughts for today:
"This is my success; to love You and be loved by You"
I was made for worship. I was made to behold the King of Glory.
My heart comes alive when I am overflowing with love for the Father.
"God is most glorified when I am most satisfied in Him"
That is a weighty statement and it doesn't come naturally.
To be satisfied means you're not looking for anything else. To be satisfied means your longing is fulfilled.
I was drawn to the house of prayer because God revealed to me that I was not loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. 
I knew that we fall more in love with God as we spend time with Him, as we gaze upon His beauty and seek Him in His temple.
I've definitely lost sight of this on many occasions since God gave me that gentle rebuke. It's something that can get so easily complicated even when it is simple. 
Jake always says, "It takes vision to love God will all your heart." 
I am in desperate need of vision.
But one thing I am certain of; God is so pleased with my small attempts and my weak love. 
A life well lived is one spent growing in love for my creator day after day, week after week, month after month. 
In the small ways and in the big ways. In the sacrifices and in worship. 
He is worthy!