Friday, November 29, 2013

Advent Series: Celebration of the First with Longing for the Second

Nothing makes me long for the second coming of Jesus Christ more than the celebration of His first.
Singing those hymns fills me with joy, gratitude, awe, but then also a nagging feeling in my belly.
It's the ache of missing someone.
I remember the first time I heard a song by Misty Edwards where she sings:
"We miss you Jesus, and we want you to return"
I remember thinking to myself:
"That seems strange to miss someone you've never been around or 'met.'"
Later, God convicted me of that sentiment, showing me that the reason I felt that way was because I didn't know what I was missing.
Meaning, I didn't know WHO I was missing.
Without a real revelation of Jesus (His thoughts, emotions, character, plans) we won't wish we were with Him.
Now of course every Christian would say they wish they were with Jesus, but do we miss Him?
Can we say that we long to be with Him?
I couldn't say that, and still without abiding in the vine I lose track of it.
The Spirit bears witness or testifies of Jesus (1 John 5:6)
When we talk with God, abide in the vine, and walk by the Spirit (all one in the same) we will inevitably desire to be one with Jesus.
At the end of the story, we see in Revelation 22:17 that the Bride will be in agreement with the Spirit in saying "Come Lord Jesus!"
I want to agree with the Spirit now.
I don't want to wait.
In so many of the old carols and hymns, the writer talks about the first and second coming of Jesus.
We were never meant to be satisfied with only the first. 
Let us be thankful and never forget how God took on flesh and humbled Himself, but let it ignite an insatiable desire to see Him come once again and make His home among men, forever.

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with men to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mama & Baby

(This photo is from a month ago, but look how cute he is!!)

Have you ever heard of the gift giving method of "Want, Need, Wear, Read"?
Basically this is a way of organizing the gifts you're giving so it's not too heavy in one area.
Jake and I really like this for Israel (and our future kids) because we don't want him to grow up with an over abundance of toys.
Does that sound mean?
He's definitely going to have toys and we are all about having fun, we just want to foster creativity, simplicity, and thankfulness through having a bit less.
Some of my most cherished and vivid childhood memories had nothing to do with toys.
Cardboard boxes, homemade forts, Popsicle stick people, a pen and paper to write my own comic books.
So, on behalf of Izzy, here is his Christmas list:
Musical instruments, maybe a drum or a xylophone 
Fisher price classics, like this camera or record player
Push toys like these cars

Some mittens
Shoes for this soon to be walker. Red, brown, or these
Eating utensils. These are fun, but maybe not practical.
Is it ok to say he NEEDS tub toys? He loves bath time, but we don't have anything for him to play with while he splashes around.

Warm sweaters, like these
These comfy funky sweatpants or stretchy pants
Some pants and long sleeve Ts

I love the not so girly Babylit books
Anything Eric Carle
Charley Harper ABC
First Bible

So there you have it. The tastes of our almost 10 month old.
And here's one extra picture, just because he's so darn cute

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Maranatha Series

A few weeks ago I posted a blog about why the end times are important. I feel the need to continue writing about this topic, the blessed hope of Jesus' glorious appearing (Titus 2:13). I want to spark the interest of people who might not have thought about it before. My first point in that last post was about how the return of Jesus is how we finish the story, and is extremely important. I want to talk more about that, from the perspective of watching a drama unfold, either in a theater, a novel, or a movie. Have you ever watched a movie that leaves you with so many loose ends? I hate that. To me, that is a poorly written story. We want/need closure. Here are a few things to think about, maybe some 'loose ends' so to speak, that are yet to come in this unfolding drama.

1. Villain - we see throughout the Bible (and in our own lives today) that there is an enemy among us. He steals. He kills. He destroys. He did, however, suffer a major blow when Jesus rose from the dead, making a way for sinners to be atoned and receive eternal life (hallelujah!). But he knows his time is short, (Rev 12:12) and he is filled with a rage that wants to eliminate God's chosen people (Israel) and the grafted in olive branches (the Church) (Rev 12:17). Don't you want to know what will happen to him? Will he be successful in his mission? I'm anxious to see!

2. The enemy's puppet - There's a character that we have yet to see that the old testament prophets, the apostles, and Jesus all alluded to. The lawless one, the man of sin, the son of perdition (2 Thess 2) the beast, or, as he's more commonly known as, the anti-christ. This man will be a 'substitute anointed one' and will have far reaching power and authority politically, economically, militarily, and religiously. Daniel tells us he will have a 7 year reign, John tells us he will suffer a mortal wound, Jesus quotes Daniel in warning of this 'abomination of desolation' and that when you see it you should flee Jerusalem. There is so much to be understood about this evil man, and not for the sake of knowing facts, but because he will deceive many (Rev 13:14) and most of the inhabitants of the earth will worship him (Rev 13:8) and he will be Satan's puppet to conquer and kill the saints (Rev 13:7). He will seem very appealing, so we must be on guard and know what to look for! (Rev 13:3b-4)

3. Israel - the Lord's chosen people. The whole Bible is really about this group. Their devotion, their waywardness, their captivity, their freedom, their land, and their city, it's all so important to God. If we don't take the time to study the word, we're left thinking that God has most likely turned his back on them forever and that now the church is God's new chosen people. If that were true, it would be a contradiction of God's own character. He made a covenant with these people and He chose them, even with their hardened hearts (Gen 15:17-21) The end of the story for Israel is great and terrible (Joel 2:11). Jesus said He won't come back until they want Him (Matt 23:39) so that means something has to change. God also cares about the land and will set up a throne in Jerusalem for Jesus to reign on forever (Luke 1:32) If you have any understanding of what it's like in Jerusalem, and what currently sits on the temple mount, you'll know that there are some big plot twists coming to look forward to!

4. The Bride & Bridegroom - in an attempt to not join the blog world in criticizing the church, I will keep this brief. The bridegroom Jesus has left to prepare a place for His bride. He will come back for her, but will she be ready? Will she be blameless and without offense (Phil 1:10)? Will she have bright and clean garments to wear (this stands for the righteous acts of the saints) (Rev 19:7-8)? Will she be joining the Spirit in a unified cry for the return of her Bridegroom, King, and Judge (Rev 22:17)? Will she hasten His coming with a holy lifestyle (2 Peter 3:11-12)? What will it be like when they are united at last!? (Rev 19:9)

5. The vindication of the oppressed - like I said before, it's plain to see that there is an enemy among us. One thing that I believe most of the world is longing to see is justice for the oppressed. For those young and innocent ones who have been treated in the foulest ways, we wish to see the wrong things made right. Only one person can bring about true justice (Deut 32:35) (Rom 12:19) (Heb 10:30) Only one person can still be merciful in the midst of wrath. Only one person can release judgments and not harm man's free will. This man is Jesus, and He has it in His heart to do these things. (Revelation 6-19)

So, these are just a few things that I hope will 'whet your appetite' and point you to the scriptures. This is more than just a drama or a story. This is real life. These are real people and it's really going to happen here on earth. The more I dive into the Word of God with these things in mind, the more excited I get about my walk with the Lord. Feeling dull and complacent? Wishing you had that zeal and passion you had before? Search out God's plans to make all things beautiful in time. Dive into just how glorious His return will be. Meditate on the merciful gift of the resurrection of the body. Get excited about living with God on earth as a human without sin and with a perfect body. I can't wait! Love grows in my heart for God the more and more I anchor my hope in the age to come.

Come Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Papa & Baby

Here we have SuperDad
Diaper changing whisperer
Fussy baby serenader 
Sound affects professional
Car seat carrier
Percussion instructor
Sanity keeper

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tid Bits

1. One of the many house projects. This cart used to be a fake wood panel. I think everyone thought I was crazy for wanting to paint it red, but I love it!
2. My first attempt at apple crisp was pretty tasty
3. As long as they're not in my house or on me, I admire them
4. Celebrating the Feast of Booths with a porch party. We watched Fiddler on the Roof, ate falafel, hummus & pita, and tabouli, and listened to Matisyahu. Not your standard way to celebrate, but it was so much fun!
5. One of my new favorite flowers - feverfew
6. Harvest brings a major change in landscape
7. Jake's latest painting. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus!
8. Izzy's new push cart from the Peters Hazel
9. His hat does a good job of warming his head and eyes
10. Enjoying the animal auction at Green Dragon. Like father, like son. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mama & Baby

Izzy Paul is 9 months old.
He has 5 pearly whites in his mouth
He has mastered the army crawl and grunts the whole time since it is such hard work 
Sometimes, if he's in the mood, he will growl back at his talking tiger book
He loves skyping with his Grandma and Grandpa in MN 
The noises he makes are becoming more and more varied with high pitch squeals and low rumbly growls
Loves music and has begun to bounce around to it
This smart little guy has learned how to get into things we never thought he could
His Pappy taught him to lightly bump heads with people as a sign of love. It's one of my favorite things to do with him now :)
He has the most deliciously smoochable cheeks
Changing his diaper can be an all out wrestling match
Those little pincher fingers have gotten so quick at putting food in his mouth rather than his lap, cheek or hair
He is a very good eater and hasn't been opposed to anything we've given him
He looks like a chunker in these photos, but he's actually pretty slim, still wearing some of his 3-6 months clothes! (even a pair of pants that are 0-3!)
He has become a bit more of a 'mama baby' lately and I actually have to hide from him in the prayer room if I want any time to myself
He is a joy to us both and we're so excited to raise him according to Deuteronomy 6
(4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Conveniently his name is Israel, so we can say this is talking directly to him :) 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Welcomed Visit

Our friends Ryan & Noelle and their sweet pea Hazel came for a visit.
It was a much needed and anticipated hang out time for our little families.
Surprisingly, I think Hazel and Izzy had the most fun.
They loved each other.
Hazel was so sweet with her head pats and 'hugs' while Izzy attempted to follow her everywhere and 'talk' with her as much as possible. 
It was an enjoyable weekend to say the least.
Who knows what our families will look like next time we see each other. 
I can't wait to see these two chase each other around some day. 

(Note: we tried Izzy in the bumbo seat in the bath tub since he slips and slides so much. Not a very good idea. The bumbo floats! I had to have a tight grip on the seat the whole time and he kept bobbing around like a little buoy.)