Thursday, March 5, 2009

Die Freude am Herrn ist meine Kraft.

The joy of the Lord is my strength!

Surrender. That doesn't sound like the most appealing concept. At this stage of my life, that seems to be a reoccuring theme. Laying down myself, and taking on the way of Jesus. This seems to be happening in even the littlest of things. I feel as if I'm under construction right now. Every motivation, thought, action, desire, is being surveyed, and then brought infront of the "filter" of Jesus Christ. Does this look like Jesus? Smell like Jesus? Sound like Jesus? If not, I don't want it. This is a beautifully painful thing and I'm thankful that the construction worker is a kind and gracious God.

Today is my last day in the first level of our German course. Next week I will no longer be in 1A but 1B! How exciting! I'm getting the hang of it more and more, just one step at a time. We had a substitute that talked about how learning German is like eating an elephant and that we can't expect to get it all at once. It was fun hearing him say all of that in German!

I've been making a lot more Austrian friends lately. I am so thankful. My desire for relationships outside of my team is overwhelming at times. I'm so thankful that God is starting to place people in my life that I can build a friendship with.

Continue to pray for our Visa situation. It is starting to look more promising. Two of my teammates have already secured their spots for a visa. They're also no longer looking at money as an issue for whether or not we're allowed to stay. Praise the Lord! Your prayers have been heard.

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