Monday, April 23, 2012

Without Regret

Oh no! It's been a long time since I've updated. Sorry about that, I'm trying to figure out how to schedule this into my week more regularly. So, what has happened since last I wrote? I can't remember exactly. Well, I'm sure we spent lots of time at Gateway House of Prayer, worshipping God, interceding for His will to be made manifest on earth, and resting in the presence of the Lord. Mmmmm. Sounds good huh? Yeah, we do that a lot of our evenings. I'm sure we did some weekly reads of The Hobbit and our marriage book. We had home group in our apartment for the first time. A little snug, but fun nonetheless. And, I did some searching for baked oatmeal recipes for breakfast this weekend.
We also had a lot of fun at the intern retreat this weekend. We had the chance to go a little north to this
amazing cabin with the current interns at Gateway. It was fun, refreshing, inspiring, and relaxing. 

 Here's Jake doing some art at the kids table of course.

The whole crew in the rain.

The weekend's focus was living a life without regret. The leadership's goal was to give practical tools to help us have a focused life, while also showing us Biblical examples of why it's the way God intended for us to live. Jake and I have been trying to do this for the past year or so. Every Sunday we sit down and schedule out our week, trying to make sure the most important things get put in first, while putting in the extras if there's leftover time. This weekend we realized how much more focus and attention we need to give to what we feel God created us to do. We started asking ourselves, "What steps are we taking now to direct us to the place we want to be later." Our time is the most valuable thing we can give to God because we can never get it back. We have this one life to love and honor Him with everything we have and that takes focus and attention. Jake and I have purposed to be good stewards of this life so that we may stand before God in the end without regrets. We're both grateful for this reminder to live intentionally and circumspectly.

1 comment:

little lamb said...

Hey Lindy :) Wow this makes me think of our retreat and all the practical guidance we received that weekend...guidance that I have to admit I haven't been very thorough at putting into practice. It also makes me think of part of what you prayed over me the other week, about God asking for specific time in my life. Thanks for this reminder!!