Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Climb on up

My internship at the Gateway House of Prayer started on Saturday. It's a 5 month internship ending May 28th. I'm still working in the nursing home, with Home Helpers, and babysitting my nephew. We're doing a 'media' fast (facebook, movies, tv, secular music etc) and also required to fast from food once a week. We need to spend 10 hours a week in the prayer room and we have classes/home group two nights a week. Today Jake started his internship at the International house of prayer in Kansas City thus starting our 3 months of being pen pals only (his internship requires that dating couples only correspond through written mail). Let's just say, there's a lot of extra time and space in my life and I'm very delighted to devote it all to Jesus. I want this time to change me, to readjust my lifestyle. I want to love God with all of my heart, my soul, my mind, and my strength. I want to know the heart of God and to let Him have all of mine. I want to climb up near Him and love and rest and plead and wrestle with Him. I want to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge. I'm excited. This season is all His.


Natasha said...

Oh lindy...I am so excited for word...what a ridiculously valuable time this is : ) you are in my prayers!
much love.

King Huckleberry said...

lindy. this is so refreshing to read.
first off. writting letters is very romantic.
second(but really first) your attitude towards pursuing God sound's alot like paul in his letter to the philippeans. all or nothing.
keep posting please so i can learn what you are learning.