Thursday, September 13, 2012

Much Anticipated News

Jake and I are proud to announce that our first little one is going to be a boy! Plenty of dreams were had about this little ones gender (I had 2 dreams, Jake had 1, and another friend had a dream that we were having a boy!) so we weren't too surprised. It was so fascinating to see this perfectly formed little body on the inside of me. He rolled around and kicked and punched and we watched it all. What a glorious thing! We both are left in awe of our heavenly Father who knits each of us together so uniquely and with great care and attention to detail. We're praying that this little one becomes a leader in our family as the first born, and that he has a gentle and humble spirit. We have no idea what to name this little guy and are excited to pray about it and see where the Lord leads us. I'm asking God to give us a name that can be a prophetic declaration over his precious life for all of his days. I'm also secretly hoping he has his daddy's dimples :)
This little T-shirt was worn by Jake and his siblings and was passed down to us. Also, Jake gave me permission to go to the thrift store and purchase one gender specific clothing item after our ultrasound. I couldn't pass up this tiny little tie!


Natasha said...

6I'm so excited for you Lindy : ) I will be praying that the Lord speaks to your heart about a name for your son. You have a son! Isn't that just glorious?

Betsy Lee said...

Oh happy day!!!! I am so excited to hear the news of little baby boy Paurus!!! Praying for you all and can't wait to see you again soon!!!

emily rae said...

OH.MY.GOSH Lindy I am so happy about your news and that little shirt and tie are precious :) I am sosoo excited for you guys :)

liz said...

SO sweet! Praise God!