Sunday, September 30, 2012


 I love the sun. I guess most people do, but I especially love it. It's amazing how that shaft of sun coming in through our bedroom window can make our bed look way more delightful than it normally does. Sadly, in about 2 weeks when we start the night watch at Gateway, that sun landing so perfectly on our pillows will not be welcomed. I'm trying to soak up mornings while I still have them. Waking up at noon every day is going to be a new (and challenging) venture for me.
 Perks of working at a flower shop. Not all of the flowers get used! This bouquet was made up by my mentor from leftover flowers from a few weddings. Check out the succulents and the billy buttons! My favorites! Jake and I love having these fresh little pops of color and life throughout our apartment. Seriously, if you haven't tried putting flowers in your bathroom you should definitely give it a whirl. It's so refreshing!
 I'm very excited to show pictures like this to our son in a few years. I have so much fun with this guy. Can you believe that a year ago I was in the midst of the most crazy and wonderful week of my life!? We're coming up on one year folks!
 I made my first ever batch of pesto a few weeks ago and we've been enjoying it ever since! Our basil plants were out of control at my parents house so we chopped them all down and made a ton of pesto. Delicious! Oh, and I thought this photo was humorous in how it documents my life lately. Snack of choice: animal crackers. I guess you could say I'm preparing to be a mommy. Current reads: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and Sense and Sensibility. This isn't showing the rest of my stash of pregnancy/birth related books. Yikes!

 It's fair season. The time of year when small town Lancaster county folk come alive. Jake thinks it's hilarious and he has come up with plenty of observations on the 'culture' of this area. I think it's marvelous and have warmly welcomed the waves of nostalgia.
I found myself at the beach for one last hoorah with my mother and her lady-friends, and my dear friend Brittany. It was cold, but sunny. I felt really pregnant, but still managed to put on a bathing suit. We rested, read the word together, and had one last taste of seafood straight from the coast. Yum!

Things are changing over here. Fall is upon us and we're about to start a brand new adventure. We start next week at Gateway House of Prayer as missions staff. We're still in the throws of raising support and are at about 55-60% of our monthly budget. We feel like God is telling us to continue to move ahead in faith that he will provide for us. On top of all that I'm starting to feel a lot more pregnant now. My belly has finally "popped" so to speak and it's making getting dressed a bigger ordeal than it ever has been. I wonder if all the fair food has helped the "popping" process along? Anyways, in the midst of this season of new and big changes, I feel like God gave me some vision for how I'm supposed to live.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 - Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 
I've read over this passage or heard people speak on it so many times, but it's never hit me quite like this before. Running as if to win looks completely different than just running. You really can't even compare the two. Think of athletes who make it all the way to the Olympics. When Paul says they go into strict training, that's sort of an understatement. These people are obsessed. They have one focus. One goal. One priority in life. They are totally given over to this mission of winning the gold. No aspect of their lives goes unaffected or untouched. They have no time for laziness and complacency. They see the worth of the prize and are willing to sacrifice daily to attain it. I am so far from this but am trying to realign my paradigms of value and worth around this "one-thing" focus. This could seem condemning or discouraging when you compare yourself to someone or something so radically different from your current state. But take heart! Be encouraged! We're running for an eternal prize and God gives the grace and the endurance to pursue it! He wouldn't have spoken to me about this passage if it was something unattainable or unrealistic for me. In a society where doing less and getting more for it is highly valued, we need this constant reminder. We will stand before Jesus and give an account for our lives. He searches hearts and minds and repays each of us according to our deeds (Rev. 2:23b). So, because I keep my mind fixed on that day, because I live with a constant desire to please my Father, I run the race with perseverance. I run hard. I train my body. I forcefully remove distractions and things that hinder my cause. I live with purpose and avoid all aimlessness and apathy. This must be my highest goal, my magnificent obsession; to love Him with all of my being until the end.


King Huckleberry said...

lindy you have so much understanding of the word. excited for you to teach it to your little man and for him to know it is true by seeing the way you live.

Natasha said...

lindy lindy lindy. you are loved : ) those flowers look amazing...and I can't believe it's been a year already!